Michigan School of Business 
(University of Michigan)
Ciudad: Ann Harbor, Estados Unidos.
Website: http://www.bus.umich.edu
Contacto admisiones: rossmba@umich.edu
Teléfono (oficina de admisiones): (734) 763-5796
Estadísticas MBA
Clase Tamaño de la clase: 488 Duración: 2 años GMAT (mediana): 704 – Rango 80%: 650-750 GPA (media): 3.4 Edad (media): 28 Estudiantes internacionales: 34% Mujeres: 33% Experiencia profesional media: 5 años Solicitantes: 1,952 (25% admitidos) |
Rankings Club-MBA: 21 Business Week: 7 US News: 14 Forbes: 14 The Economist: 30 Financial Times: 24 Poets & Quants: 12Empleo Salario base – mediana: $103,000 Bonus de entrada – mediana: $20,000 Salario prácticas verano (mediana): $7,750 |
Profesores de relevancia académica
Aneel Karnani – Chair of Strategy
M.P. Narayanan – Chair of Finance
Christie Nordhielm – Marketing
Andrew Hoffman – Sustainable Enterprise
Solicitud de admision 2011-2012
Fechas y plazos
Fecha límite |
Notificación |
Ronda 1 |
10/10/11 |
01/13/11 |
Ronda 2 |
01/04/12 |
03/15/12 |
Ronda 3 |
03/01/12 |
05/15/12 |
Las solicitudes recibidas después de las 11:59PM (costa este), serán consideradas en la siguiente ronda.
Requisitos de la solicitud
– Número de recomendaciones: 2
– Número de ensayos: 4 (1 opcional)
– Entrevista: si (por invitación)
– TOEFL: no hay un mínimo establecido
– Coste de la solicitud: $200
2. Describe your career goals. How will an MBA from Ross help you to achieve those goals? What is your vision for how you can make a unique contribution to the Ross community? (500-word limit)
3. Describe a time in your career when you were frustrated or disappointed. What did you learn from that experience? (500-word limit).
4. Select one of the following questions: (300-word limit)
- What are you most passionate about?
- Describe a personal challenge or obstacle and why you view it as such. How have you dealt with it? What have you learned from it?
5. (Optional) Is there anything else you think the Admissions Committee should know about you to evaluate your candidacy?
Cartas de recomendación
1. Please describe your relationship to the applicant, and describe the circumstances under which you have known the applicant.
2. What do you consider the applicant’s primary talents or strengths?
3. In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth? How would you describe the applicant’s insight into these areas?
4. How do the applicant’s personal or professional characteristics stand out positively or negatively from others who are in a similar capacity?
5. What one quality of the applicant do you wish all of your staff possessed? If you could change one thing about the applicant, what would it be?
6. Please feel free to provide any further information you think relevant to our evaluation.
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Fotos y Vídeos |
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Localización |
[vc_gmaps type=»m» zoom=»14″ bubble=»1″ link=»https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Stephen+M.+Ross+School+of+Business,+Tappan+Avenue,+Ann+Arbor,+M%C3%ADchigan,+Estados+Unidos&hl=es&ie=UTF8&ll=42.273546,-83.737514&spn=0.00859,0.01929&sll=42.273244,-83.731265&sspn=0.034359,0.077162&oq=Michigan+ross&hq=Stephen+M.+Ross+School+of+Business,&hnear=Tappan+Ave,+Ann+Arbor,+Michigan&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A» size=»250″] |
Páginas de interés |