
Booth School of Business (University of Chicago)
Ciudad: Chicago, IL. Estados Unidos. Website: www.ChicagoBooth.edu Contacto admisiones: admissions@ChicagoBooth.edu Teléfono (oficina de admisiones): (773) 702-7369
Estadísticas MBA
Clase Tamaño de la clase: 581 Duración: 2 años GMAT (media): 723 GPA (media): 3.57 Edad (media): 28 Estudiantes internacionales: 36% Mujeres: 35% Experiencia profesional media: 60 meses Solicitantes: 4,430 (22% admitidos) | Rankings Club-MBA: 2 (empatado con Stanford) Business Week: 1 US News: 4 Forbes: 2 The Economist: 1 Financial Times: 9 Empleo Salario base – mediana: $116,302 Bonus de entrada – mediana: $28,929 |
Profesores de relevancia académica
Solicitud de admision 2011-2012
- The first letter of recommendation should come from a supervisor. We prefer that you use a current supervisor for this recommendation, although we understand that this may not always be possible. If you are unable to use your current supervisor, please explain the circumstances in the optional essay. Overall, we are seeking objectivity in the letter, and we want to hear from someone who can assess both your strengths and your weaknesses. If you work for a family business or own your own company, please try to secure a letter from a client or outside party who does business with you and can provide an objective assessment of you.
- The second letter can be professional in nature or come from an individual who has worked with you in an organization, club, or on a volunteer project. These letters can give us a different perspective of your skill sets outside of your professional environment. There is no preference on who supplies your second letter of recommendation; our only guideline is that it should add new and valuable insight to your candidacy.
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Fotos y Vídeos |
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Localización |
[vc_gmaps type=»m» zoom=»14″ bubble=»1″ link=»https://maps.google.es/maps?q=University+of+Chicago,+5807+S+Woodlawn+Ave,+Chicago,+IL+60637&hl=es&ll=41.788513,-87.594981&spn=0.005256,0.012199&sll=37.424106,-122.166076&sspn=0.044783,0.097589&hq=University+of+Chicago,+5807+S+Woodlawn+Ave,+Chicago,+IL+60637&t=m&z=17″ size=»250″] |
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