
McKinsey organiza Diversity Connect, un evento virtual sobre diversidad! Apply now!

McKinsey organiza Diversity Connect, un evento virtual sobre diversidad! Apply now!
marzo 29
18:26 2023

McKinsey passionately believes in developing outstanding leaders and promoting diversity, both at our firm and in the world at large.

Diversity Connect – Europe will bring together individuals from across Europe who self-identify as having an African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American, Middle Eastern, North African, Turkish or mixed heritage. This program aims to support talented individuals who may be currently underrepresented in leadership roles.

2023 Diversity Connect – Europe will be a two-day program, with one virtual event on June 2 and one in-person event.

During the virtual event, attendees will hear from McKinsey leaders about their professional journey and what lead them to our firm, as well as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at McKinsey. Attendees will also have the chance to select workshops of interest to them, focused on leadership and being your authentic self, allowing each person to tailor their program to their personal or professional development goals.

The in-person event you will be invited to will take place in the location that sponsored your participation. During these gatherings, attendees will meet McKinsey colleagues and receive a tour of the office. The dates of these events will vary.

To be considered for Diversity Connect, you must be:
    – self-identify as having an African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American, Middle Eastern, North African, Turkish or mixed heritage.
  – are pursuing an Undergraduate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA or PhD degree OR are a professional with fewer than eight years of work experience

Visit their website to learn more and apply by April 30, 2023

In mid-May 2023, they will get in touch with you regarding the outcome of your application.

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