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Analista Senior
Mensajes: 55
Registrado: 25 Ago 2011, 21:04
Alma mater: Universidad de Alicante


Mensaje por cesc »

Buenas tardes foreros!

Me gustaría saber que opinión os merece el MIM (Master in International Management). Había mirado este en LBS: ... ement.html , pero no tiene por que ser ese en concreto.

Como alguno de vosotros sabéis mi intención es la de hacer un MBA, pero debido a que no tengo experiencia profesional (y en cualquier escuela de prestigio son requeridos un minimo de 2 años de experiencia) estoy empezando a considerar esta opción, ya que de la otra manera debería esperar para estudiar el MBA un minimo de 5 años, siempre y cuando 2 de esos 5 los invierta en trabajar en un puesto intermedio, que no es tan fácil.

La cuestión es si alguien tiene experiencia en un MIM y si (haciéndolo en una buena escuela) se puede equiparar de alguna manera al aprendizaje adquirido en un MBA.

Muchas gracias y espero vuestas respuestas, saludos!
Analista Senior
Mensajes: 55
Registrado: 25 Ago 2011, 21:04
Alma mater: Universidad de Alicante

Re: MBA vs MIM

Mensaje por cesc »

para quien le pueda interesar, buscando en internet he encontrado esto, esta en ingles y procede de la pagina

diferencia entre MBA y MIM

MBA vs Master Degree (MIM): Masters in Management Alternatives or Substitutes?

Can Master in Management (MiM) programs be alternatives to the MBA? What is the difference between Master in Management (MiM) programs and Master in Business Administration (MBA) programs? Of course MiM and MBA have similarities – because both are postgraduate management programs – but still differ in several aspects. Here are the key differences.
1. Age

MiM programs usually do not require professional experience although they are open to young professionals who have been working for some time, mostly up to a year. As a result, the Master in Managemen students are generally much younger than fulltime MBA students, at some schools the average age is 23 years (with a range from 20 to about 27 years) compared to the average age of 27 to 32 in MBA programs.
2. Professional experience

Accordingly, the professional experience of Master in Management students does not play a major role during the studies whereas MBA programs gain a lot of value from the professional experience their students bring into the course discussions. In a nutshell: Master in Management programs are primarily designed for talents in their early career stages right after their undergraduate degree or after about one year in job. MBA programs in contrast target people with about three to five years of professional experience.
3. Tuition fees

As for the tuition fees, the Master in Management programs are cheaper than MBA programs. Whereas the most expensive fulltime MBA program in Europe – offered by the London Business School – sums up to € 60,000 the most expensive MiM programs cost only about half of that. This may have to do with the different target groups: young people who have not yet been able to earn and save much money on the MiM side and experienced people in or aiming at leadership positions on the MBA side.
4. Curriculum

As for the curriculum, Master in Management and MBA programs seem to overlap to a large degree depending on the respective program. Both offer a general management masters degree, integrated team work, case studies, and a practical oriented approach. The traditional Master of Science in Management (MIM), however, focusses more on the theoretical side of the management field than the MBA. You may find subjects that require stromgly your mathematical or analytical skills and your final dissertation may be research-oriented. In contrast, MBA programs emphasize more the practical side. For example, in an MBA program your may less ask for the origins of a certain accounting technique such as the EVA (Economic Value Added, (c) Stern Stewart) but rather focus on its applicance. Furthermore, instead of a final dissertation you may present a consultancy project rooted in real-world businesses and by that demonstrate what you have learnt throughout the program
5. Admissions criteria

As for the admissions criteria, for MBA programs business schools generally attach great importance to Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores and professional experience no matter what academic background the prospective students have. About one third of the Master in Management programs, however, require a first degree in business or economics.
6. Reputation

The MBA is the traditional degree for postgraduate studies in Management. Therefore it is still more known among HR managers than the MIM. Nevertheless, with the profileration of Masters in Management also the popularity of MIM-programs will increase over time. As for the reputation of the two programs two points can be made at the moment:

First, the MIM is primarily a European phenomenon (even though US business schools such as Thunderbird are catching up) and presumably most US firms will assess the MBA as more valuable than the MIM.
Second and maybe more important, MBA and MIM are degrees for different target groups - the former for young professionals and professionals, the latter for graduates. Hence, it seems to be very likely that HR managers do not perceive MBA and MIM in competition to each other but as different degrees for different target groups who apply for different positions.

MIM - MBA: which degree to choose?

Overall, the difference between Master in Management and MBA is important to consider. The Master in Management (MIM) is a further qualification for young talented and ambitious people who perceive their bachelor degree as not sufficient for their early career plans. MBA students on the other side usually have started their careers already and want or need new knowledge, analysis tools, and networking opportunities for example to change their function or line of business or to meet the challenges of a promotion.

MIM vs MBA Masters degree in Management in a nutshell: The Master of Management (MiM) helps graduates to start a career while the Master of Business Administration (MBA) helps young professionals and professionals to enhance and develop their management career.
Analista Senior
Mensajes: 55
Registrado: 25 Ago 2011, 21:04
Alma mater: Universidad de Alicante

Re: MBA vs MIM

Mensaje por cesc »

He recogido esta pregunta en el FAQ del MIM DE LBS, alguien podría ayudarme para saber que sifnifica UK First or 2:1 / GPA 3.5 ?¿

Yo soy diplomado en turismo y me gustaría saber si estoy dentro de los requerimientos para matricularme con este título
(o si por el contrario necesito hacer la adaptacion al grado (adaptado al plan bolonia) por el cual tendría que invertir un año completo para sacarlo)

""" What degree do you require and how do I know if I meet the academic requirement?

We accept undergraduate degrees in any subject area, with a grade equivalent to a UK First or 2:1 / GPA 3.5 and above. If your university does not use either of these grading systems or you have any concerns as to whether you meet the academic requirement, please email us. Please note that all students on this programme will need to have completed their undergraduate degree prior to the course beginning in September """

gracias, espero puedan ayudarme
Paul Benjamin
Mensajes: 192
Registrado: 17 Feb 2011, 12:23

Re: MBA vs MIM

Mensaje por Paul Benjamin »

GPA >3.5 pues es la nota media que tengas parecido a nuestra tabla
4-Matrícula de honor

Pero con ciertas variaciones.

Respecto a 2:1 se refiere a la clasificación aquí desarrollada (en la que también detallan exactamente qué es el GPA).

Un saludo
Analista Senior
Mensajes: 55
Registrado: 25 Ago 2011, 21:04
Alma mater: Universidad de Alicante

Re: MBA vs MIM

Mensaje por cesc »

Gracil Paul! por lo tanto, si eso en españa no es así, como lo miden??

crees que me valdría con la diplomatura? les he enviado un correo a la LBS pero llevan 4 días y no han respondido aun
Paul Benjamin
Mensajes: 192
Registrado: 17 Feb 2011, 12:23

Re: MBA vs MIM

Mensaje por Paul Benjamin »

Hombre, pues deberías ponerte en contacto con LBS (lo mismo tienen teléfono de contacto, si es que te urge mucho la respuesta) para ver a qué adecuan cada nivel, ya que no se trata de una traducción directa. Mira a ver si tienen una página de traducción de las puntuaciones tal y como lo que te voy a mostrar del Imperial College.

Para que te hagas una idea de qué niveles estamos hablando, por ejemplo en el Imperial College para hacer un Master, a los británicos (o que hayan estudiado la universidad en su sistema educativo) las piden un UK Lower Second Class Honours (2B) (menor que el 2:1 que tu mencionas), que traducen al sistema español con un 7+/10 or 2+/4 or better. Mientras que para hacer un doctorado te piden el 2:1 que tu mencionas, que traducen en un 8+/10 or 2.5+/4 or better.

En definitiva que si la "traducción" fuese la misma, te estarían pidiendo que tuvieses una media de más de 2.5 en el sistema español.

Respecto a la diplomatura vs licenciatura, pues depende de la escuela de negocios. Por ejemplo en Sloan para el MBA, en la sección de FAQ pone claramente lo siguiente:

Q: I have a three-year bachelor's degree from outside of the U.S. Am I eligible to apply?
A: Yes. Candidates with three-year bachelor degrees from outside of the U.S. may apply.

Así que les vale una diplomatura. Mira en tu programa de tu escuela si esta pregunta está respondida en su sección de FAQ.

Un saludo.